-RNJA- Real Niggas Of Jedi Academy

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-RNJA- Real Niggas Of Jedi Academy

A Jedi Academy Clan of Real Niggas

    About RNJA! The Real Niggas of Jedi Academy


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-05-22
    Age : 30
    Location : Florida

    About RNJA! The Real Niggas of Jedi Academy Empty About RNJA! The Real Niggas of Jedi Academy

    Post by Dante Thu May 23, 2024 4:43 am

    RNJA... The Real Niggas of Jedi Academy. What a name! If you can't make it past the name, then this clan and its members are not for you. Dante and Sith formed RNJA on May 21st, 2024. All we really wanted was a server of our own, where we could be our politically incorrect selves where we didn't have to worry about chat filters, and people being offended. And we figure we are probably not the only players in the game who just want a place to let it all hang out. RNJA is that place. We don't take life too seriously and we like to have good laughs and duel it out with our friends.

    A little background on leadership. Sith and Dante. Brothers in real life.

    Sith has been playing Jedi Academy pretty much since release in 2004. He has been in a handful of clans over the years, mostly in the beginning of his journey with JA. This is his first time rocking a clan tag in many many years. Skilled with any saber, and an absolute bully with the force, Sith mainly just likes to get on here and swing a saber. Sith is the older brother of the 2.

    I, Dante, have been playing Jedi Academy since 2006 at 12 years old, introduced to the game by my older brother Sith. I fell in love with the game and have been a part of numerous clans. Yes, I am the same Dante from RGD back in 06-07 Laughing. I was also a founding member of JvS, a large well known TFFA clan that formed in February of 2009 and in its prime had over 150 active members. I am the more social butterfly out of me and Sith.

    We hope to create an atmosphere that resembles the way the game and the community used to be. Unfiltered, incorrect, and not giving a fuck!

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:58 pm